Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Power of Invitation

It’s amazing to me that in an age where we can tweet anything, post stuff on Facebook, and “Google it” that the number one way to get people to church remains invitation.  People come to church because someone invited them to church!  It’s simple, it’s easy, but sometimes it is down right terrifying.  There are times when the thought of inviting someone to church just scares us!  We look at our invitation cards and begin saying things to ourselves like, “What if my neighbor says no, what if the person I work with is offended when I ask, what if a friendship is made awkward by inviting someone to church?”  Honestly, all that could happen!  It could, but it’s not likely to happen.  People are waiting to be invited!  The people in our lives want to know that they matter-they matter to us and they matter to God.    
The Christmas season is an incredible time of the year to invite people to church.  Perhaps more than any other time of the year people are nostalgic, open, seeking and so it’s a great time to step out in faith and invite people to church!  We’ve been passing out invitation cards and want to encourage you to use these to invite your friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members, and people you meet to one of our four Christmas Eve Services, Tuesday December 24th.   On the Delhi Campus we have services in the sanctuary at 7pm (family focus), 9pm, and 11pm, and on the Price Hill Campus we will be having a service at 7pm.  All of our services will be candle light services!  This week I want to challenge you to think about the people you know who don’t have a home church and take the bold step of inviting them to come to church.  It could change a life: yours and theirs.  

On mission with you, 

Pastor Rachel 

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