Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Honoring our 50 Year Members

Many of you have been reading the book of Numbers this week.  Now I want to encourage you that sometimes we can get really bogged down in the “numbers” and repetition of the book, but numbers tell our story.  They tell a story about the people of God.  Recently we have been celebrating some of our own “numbers.”  On Tuesday, Shiloh hosted a luncheon for our 50 year members and 50 plus year members celebrating their years of faithful service to Christ and the church.  In preparation for the luncheon, Sandy, our Executive Secretary, did a little research on the “numbers” that represent our 50 year members.  For example, the longest 50 plus year member, Ruth Kortgardner has been a member of Shiloh for 78 years!  Besides being a member for 78 years, Ruth has been at Shiloh her entire life!  Ruth is just one of the 42 50 year and 50 plus year members here at Shiloh.  If we combine all of their years of service, these 50 year members represent 2,361 years of service to Christ and the church.  Incredible!  This week I want to challenge you to say a prayer for these men and women who have literally built the foundation of this church.  May they and their families be ever blessed!

Pastor Rachel 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hearing the Call of God

When I think about the way in which people are hearing the call of God, I can’t help but think about what is happening at Shiloh this week.  On Sunday at the 9:30am service we will be honoring 5 new 50 year members and the numerous existing 50 year members that truly make up the faithful foundation of Shiloh Church.  It’s amazing to think about the prayers, the service, the commitments these men and women have made to Jesus Christ over the last 50 years.  We will also be welcoming new members and transfer members into our local church family.  10 people have made a commitment to Christ and this church!  

And on Saturday a group of about 14 adults will be traveling to New Orleans and St. Bernard Parish for 8 days to be part of God’s work to “rebuild, renew, and restore old ruins.”  Please keep these adults and their leaders in your prayers.  

But it’s not just the adults: we have 8 middle school students committed to Confirmation this year.  And if you did not know we have 12 high school and college aged students who are exploring a call into the ministry through MAC (Ministry as Career) Change the Current!  

It is incredible to see God at work throughout the lives of all people here at Shiloh Church!  I pray you continue to listen to voice and call of God in your life.

Pastor Rachel 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's that on your head?

Tomorrow you may notice a few people with smudges on their foreheads, no they haven’t been cleaning out their chimney’s, they’ve received what the church calls the Imposition of Ashes.  For hundreds of years Christians throughout the world have been receiving ashes to remember “from dust you have come and to dust you shall return,”  and to mark the beginning of the season of Lent.  Tomorrow, February 13, we will be gathering at 7pm for our Ash Wednesday Service, preparing ourselves for the season of Lent.  Now Lent is the 40 days (not including Sundays) leading up to the celebration of Easter Sunday.   
Lent is a time when many decide to fast (give up something): food, chocolate, coffee, desserts, meat, or even bad habits.  But this year we would like to challenge you to give up something, and take on something by praying for someone else.  This week many of you turned in and in return, received a yellow prayer card with a family’s name on it.  I want to encourage you to pray for that family everyday.  If you didn’t receive a family to pray for, we have yellow cards available in the gathering space, just take one.  If you have children perhaps you can involve them by praying for your family at breakfast, or in the car ride to school.  Or maybe taping your yellow card to the bathroom mirror may help you remember to pray for your family.  Remember prayer is simply talking with God.  And there is no right or wrong way to pray.  But if you would like a little help, look for messages from the prayer ministry each week in the bulletin for some guidance. 
As we journey toward the cross of Jesus Christ, I want to encourage you to prepare your hearts, minds, souls, and whole bodies for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Pastor Rachel     

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Being Community, Being Family

As you have been reading through Genesis and now into Exodus you may have noticed that God is attempting to create a covenant (promised) community.  God is inviting Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel, Leah into relationship with God.  They are becoming family; they are becoming community.  Many of us long for community; we long to be part of something bigger than ourselves.  Perhaps that’s why many of us come to church: to experience God, but also to experience one another as community, as family.  Just like in the Old Testament we have practices that mark our entry into the covenant (promised) community?  What are they: Baptism and Membership.  

Although Membership and Baptism are not requirements for coming to Shiloh.  In fact you can do just about anything without being a member, but membership and baptism are opprotunities to experience God’s divine presence and officially become part of the larger faith community.  Next week we will have opprotunities to experience both.  On February 16, 2013 at 9am at my house (Pastor Rachel’s) we will be having a intensive membership class.  That same weekend February 16/17th there is opportunity in every service to experience the sacrament of baptism. If you are interested in membership or baptism please contact me at 451-3600 #105 or  And if you would like to sign up on our website, here is the link for membership Click Here!

God is inviting all people to be part of the family of God.  Come and be part of the family!